lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009


I was looking for something different and I find it! In this blog, you can find amazing things related to fashion. It has been opened for a long time. The author answered most of the comments that all followers posted in there. The grammar structures are correctly written. I really like the way in which she defends her point of view.

This is the link where you can visit this blog:

Teaching Blog (The Fischbowl)

I think that in this blog, we can find a lot of ways to learn about what teaching is. I like how original and creative looks this blog. The author presents his point of view. I like that all the information can be found in other sites.

Teaching Blog (Samoga at Home)

You can visit this link:

I think this is one of the mos beautiful blogs I've seen before. I really like the way in which the author present all the topics. It is not just a place to post a comment, but where you can find entertainment and useful information. The way in which all games are presented. The author has a very original way to design it. Good writing takes place also. I invite everyone to visit it!

Teaching Blog (Teach Online)

I think that this blog is very interesting because the author gives many tips about teaching. The comments that are posted are answered very quickly. Some information has a back up that can prove what he is saying. All grammar structures and ideas are very well written. And finally, he defends the point of view he has.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

My Teaching Site - Classmate

The information that is presented in this blog is very useful for many people. The tone that the author used is very personal, she knows how the explain in a simple way complex things. However, the information doesn't have a back up for readers to compare. Her writing is very good, and she presents also her point of view in the descriptions.

St. Gabriel Elementary and High School - Classmate

I really like this blog, because of the creativity that Shantany used in there. Ithink that it was very personalize. The only thing that I think is missed is the video in the last entrance. She had good writing, and also there is shown her own ideas.

I really like this blog!

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Vivi's Corner - Classmate

She uses a very creative way to show her blog! I posted a comment in her blog, but I know that she is at this time, that is why she might answer in short time. it is very easy to look for information in her blog. She has a very good writing. The knowledge she has about the topic is very clear!


I enjoy living my own life! I like to listen to music and share with my family and boyfriend. I like to spend time with my family... I love the beach and I like all things that make me feel better....!

Link´s Description

This is an example of how you can evaluate a link, in order to know what our students will look at.

This page has a wordlist about different things.So we can use it depending of our needs.Also,we can find test of vocabulary,vocabulary.GRE word list categories,vocabulary flashcards,among others things.So this could be a good tool for teachers.

Useful =10
User friendly =10
Security= 10
Have the software=10
Visuals= 0
Reliable information=10
Not too many pop up´s=10


domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Family Webquest!


The Process

You have to make a research based on family’s vocabulary. You have a special job ahead. So, there are the steps that you have to follow:
-Make pairs

-Check all the words related to family and each member has to practice by doing some exercises for 15 minutes

-According to what you have seen and understand through the previous web pages, you have to prepare some flashcards with family vocabulary.

-You have to take make all the flashcards based on the following list:

Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, Granddaughter, Husband, Wife, Sister, Brother, and Grandson

-Draw and cut some images that can illustrate each word.

-Also, include a sentence that shows the member’s chore at home.

Vocabulary: Tips


  • When teachers present new words they can include them into sentences: so that students will get the meaning of the word according to the use that they can remember.

  • Teachers can correct mistakes in order to avoid getting a wrong meaning and in the future.

  • Make groups of based on words’ categories. In life, people tend to organize things in this way and they will remember the words by relating them to their similar.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Vocabulary.. Is it important?

Is vocabulary an important aspect in people’s life? Well, for us it is. When someone is learning a foreign language vocabulary is the base of it. Through separate words, we can create different sentences as we learn other structures. Also, vocabulary is the most important tool that is used in any place. In this case, our choice is because we really want to improve students’ vocabulary.

Lesson Plan based on a Video


Introduce the topic through questions. Students are going to be familiar with the variety of families.


Questions (directed to specific a student)

-What is a family?
-How many members does your family have?
-Are all the families the same?
-Do you like movies?

We are going to watch a video that presents particular families; they are composed by different members.

Time: 5 minutes

After that, you can add more activites and an assignmet.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Vocabulary Webquest

Remember that at the tiem that we use a webquest, we should take into account a specific evaluation:
First of all, this is a web page in which can be found many ways that can teach vocabulary for kids. At the same time, they will play through they learn. We can take some words that are the most common ones at our target age (between 7 to 10 years).
For me, this webquest is very well-done because it has all the required parts that students need to follow to complete their project. It has all the parts that were presented in and they are very clear at the time that is explaining exactly what students should do.

Links related to vocabulary for children

Learn with Mari

Hi! My name is Mari. I am studying English and I will be more than glad to help you....! We will meet other people that like English too. Through my blog you can practice with other people.